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So, Halloween was last month. Did everybody have a good time? I saw a lot of kids wearing
scary costumes!
What I love most about Halloween in Japan is all the special Halloween candy I can taste!

Japan has many holidays and festivals from other countries, such as Christmas and Haloween, but also a lot of its own,
like Setsubun and Obon.
Other countries have special
festivals too.They have Carnival in Rio,Italy and other places. In Canada and England they have a cheese-rolling

What is your favorite festival? How do you celebrate it?
Let's write a few sentences in English about it.

文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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11/16 3年実力テスト(第4回)
11/18 職員会議
11/20 数学検定(56限)
11/21 週休日