
Birgir先生からの宿題 6/2

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June 2nd

It’s getting hot. Too hot! I hear summers in Osaka are unbearable
some days. Oh no! In Iceland, the summers are always cool. After all, our wind comes straight from the North Pole.I saw many people playing in the Kamo river in Kyoto last weekend. Itlooked like fun.I’m also seeing a lot of bugs recently. Soon we’ll be swarmed by spiders and hornets. I don’t know if I should be scared or fascinated. Probably a little bit of both.
I hope you get to do everything you want to do this summer. I want to visit a beach and swim in the ocean or go see a festival and eat shaved ice. What do you want to do this summer?

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6/8 耳鼻科検診
6/9 青少年育成推進委員会
6/10 ゆとりの日