
ビルギル先生からの宿題Birgir's article 11/22

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Winter is coming yet again. As much as I love sunshine in the summer, I can`t handle the heat. Winter is my favorite time of year. The air feels fresh, cool and it just feels like home. I enjoy walking around the city, especially when the Christmas lights have been put up.
I hope you have a warm coat, some gloves and a hat.
I recently discovered an amazing product called Kairo. We don`t have them in Iceland, so I was very surprised to use one for the first time.
Winters in Osaka are 90% perfect in my opinion. Do you know what would make it 100%?
Snow! (Oh well, maybe this year we`ll get lucky…)

文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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12/3 区PTA研修会(港区民センター)
12/7 執行部会
12/8 各種委員会
12/9 生徒議会




