
ビルギルからの宿題 12/2

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Home Economics
When I was in Junior high school, my absolute favorite class (except for English of course) was Home Economics.
We had a big kitchen in our school with many stoves and sinks. We were allowed to cook from certain recipes, such as omelets and pancakes. We also baked many cakes, muffins and other delicious food.
I think my parents were also very happy that I was in this class, because I brought home all the delicious food I made during the day. My dad loves chocolate cake, so I brought him lots.
What is your favorite class in school? (I won`t be sad if it`s not English. Haha). What are your best memories from that class?

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12/3 区PTA研修会(港区民センター)
12/7 執行部会
12/8 各種委員会




