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 今年度から本校にC−NETとして勤務している、Neil Murphy(ニール・マーフィ)先生が夏休みを利用して、友達の結婚式に出席するためNew Yorkに帰っていたそうです。その時の様子を日記に書いておられます。

 During the summer vacation, I went home to New York for two weeks. The reason I went home is to go to my friend’s wedding. My friend chose me to be the ‘best man’ in his wedding. Do you know what a ‘best man’ is? I think American weddings are different than Japanese weddings, so I will explain.
 The friends of the bride and groom are also important in American weddings. The groom chooses one of his best friends to be the ‘best man.’ And the bride chooses one of her best friends to be the ‘maid of honor.’ The best man and the maid of honor participate in the wedding. They also have a lot of special responsibilities. The groom also chooses a few more friends to participate in the wedding. They are called ‘groomsmen.’ The bride does the same, and they are called ‘bridesmaids.’ They also participate in the wedding, but they don’t have many responsibilities.
 Anyway, it was my first time being a ‘best man.’ During the wedding ceremony, I stood next to the groom. I also read a passage about love (traditionally, the reading is from the Bible, but this was not a Christian-style wedding). Finally, I signed the wedding certificate as a witness. Then, during the reception I gave a speech about the groom. I also danced with the maid of honor. That’s also a tradition!
 The wedding was very fun. Maybe you’ve seen American weddings in movies? Have you ever been to a wedding in Japan? Are they different from American weddings?

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