写真は、茶道部の3年生の皆さんですが、とてもよい表情で写っていました。 卒業アルバムの仕上がりが楽しみです。 ただ、あいにくの天気のため、運動場の部活動については、後日の撮影となりました。 Necessary actions to take for natural disaster outbreaks:
Necessary actions to take for natural disaster outbreaks:
◎ When a storm warning or a special warning is announced as of 7:00 a.m., school will be suspended temporarily. ◎ When both JR Osaka Loop Line and Osaka municipal subways (including nu - tram) is suspended by earthquakes as of 7:00 a.m., school will be temporarily suspended. ◎ Even if a storm warning or a special warning is not announced, the head of school may decide to temporarily suspend the school if weather conditions affect the safety of the school or the students. ◎ If a storm warning is announced while students are walking to school or walking home, students may return to their homes in a group if the walk home is deemed safe, and if the students’ guardian/family is at home. If those conditions cannot be satisfied, students must remain at school until it is safe. ◎ If a special warning is announced while students are walking to school or walking home, we must take actions to protect our lives from natural disasters (evacuation during a flood is especially dangerous so we must remain calm and take necessary actions). ◎ Even without a storm warning or a special warning, if the guardian or family member of a student anticipates danger on the way to school, they must make sure the students stay at home until it is safe. When a large-scale disaster or tsunami is predicted : ◎ In the case of a large-scale disaster emergency, students must stay at home or evacuate according to the judgment of their guardian or family member and news on the TV or radio. ◎ When a natural disaster breaks out while students are in school, we will 1) evacuate to the school grounds, 2) evacuate to floors 3 and above which is deemed safe - If safety is secured, students may continue their studies and leave the school when school is over. - In case of emergency and students must be sent home, check if the guardians are home first and then let them leave. - In case of emergency and students must be sent home but guardians are not home, they must remain at school until it is safe. ◎ Guardians must pick up the students from school if guardians intend to evacuate to another location with the student when a tsunami is approaching. ◎ Phone connections will be unstable in the event of a large-scale disaster. Therefore, students must remain at the evacuation site until safety is confirmed. 原文はこちら → https://swa.city-osaka.ed.jp/weblog/system/swas... >>> 先ほどお伝えした緊急時の措置について、C-NETのMAYO先生に翻訳してもらいました。 公共交通機関や飲食店の多くが、複数言語で対応し始めておりますが、外国の子どもたちが増えている中、学校も様々な場面で日本語以外の対応が必要なのかもしれません。 ぜひご活用ください。 3年生 行進練習
さすが、3年生! 「一糸乱れぬ」とまでは言いませんが、始まったばかりの行進練習なのに、3年生全員の息がぴったり合った、素晴らしい行進です。 体育大会では、1,2年生の見本となって、西中学校の教育力の高さを披露してくれることでしょう。 本日の給食 9月8日
鮭弁の半分は、実際には鱒だといいますが、今日の魚ははたして?! 明日は、ビーフシチューですので、スプーンがあると便利です。 また、明日は午後に台風が接近する予報です。 警報が発令された場合、臨時休業となり、下校となる場合もありますので、天気予報などにご注意ください。 ピッツア ウエストーニ
ピッツアウエストーニ。 ネギマヨのオリジナルピザのいい香りが職員室に広がりました。 Mangiamo.(いただきます) È squisito.(美味しかったです) Grazie mille.(ごちそうさま) Grazie.(ありがとう) |