
ビルギル先生からの宿題 3/10


This Friday will be a very special day for 3rd year students. Graduation.
The Japanese graduation ceremony is still a bit of a mystery to me; I’ve
never actually been to one, but I hear it’s a pretty fun event.
When I graduated, we dressed up in suits and had a very big, delicious
dinner with our teachers. It was great! Afterwards, during the ceremony, we
got our graduation papers from the principal, shook his hand and joined our
friends on the stage.
Graduating school is a new chapter in your life. Try your best to make the
right decisions in whatever you choose to do.
Happy graduation day!
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3/17 2年ジュニア防災リーダー講習会
3/18 公立一般選抜発表
3/23 公立2次選抜


