I'd like to introduce our new English Teacher, Mohamed先生!!

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楽しくお話ができること、100%! 間違いなしです。

”6th grade" June 24, 2020

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”5th grade" June 10, 2020

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Chalk and Talk Method 

Today we started to implement a different method which is very
surprising to young learners.
Through 'Chalk and Talk Method'  the concepts become
clearer and simpler.

It is very useful and it helps teachers to attract the attention of
students and keep classes under control.

'Chalk and Talk Method' keeps students fully engaged
throughout the period.
Last but not at least, it is efficient to develop critical thinking of
students, and allow them to have their say.
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Self-introduction June 3, 2020

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My name is Mohamed.
Please call me モハメド先生.
I am your new English teacher.
It is my honor to teach at Kami Elementary School.

I am from Syria-Turkish.
I play tennis.
My hobbies are cycling, hiking and traveling.

I’m good at telling stories.
Next time I will tell you many interesting stories.

I like Sesame Street (セサミストリート).
Do you like Sesame Street?

Elmo is my favorite character.
Who is your favorite Sesame Street character?

Stay safe!

See you soon


”6th grade" June 3, 2020

Today, students had their first English lesson.
They were so happy, but less anxious.
We encouraged students to use English as mush as possible.

We did a ‘Small Talk’activity. This helps students to become
better listeners, and it encourages a deeper level of listening.
Teacher reads out a ‘Small Talk’, and students draw a circle
around the pictures the teacher says.

Goal:Recognize words/information as they are linked
in the speech stream.

The listening activity has 3 stages;
1- pre-listening;
is a “Schemata-activating” stage that helps students to prepare
for listening.

2- while-listening;
students listen to the teacher and do the task.

3- post-listening;
at this stage, the teacher used questions and discussions
to check students’ comprehension.
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