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This is the situation of the children before the final exam starts. I'm checking what I'm interested in just before the test.


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It's the final exam from today. I will measure the retention of the learning content I have learned so far. There will be a end-end meeting next month, and I will also talk about the evaluation. Regarding the evaluation, we will comprehensively evaluate not only the results of this test, but also daily efforts such as thinking ability, judgment ability, ability to express and learn.


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In the playground, we sprinkled "nigari" for dust prevention and children's health.


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June 23rd is known as "Commorence Day." This day is a day to mourn all the people who died in the Battle of Okinawa, wish for world peace, and reaffirm the importance of peace. Let us not forget the tragedy of war learned from history and continue to strive for lasting peace.


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Today, we are conducting a proficiency test for the third graders. It's an exam that tests what you've learned so far.
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