9月13日金:3年出前授業  9月18日水:3年SPカード・研究授業  9月25日水:生徒専門委員会  9月26日水:立会演説会  9月27日金:3年英検  10月3日木・4日金:中間テスト


7-25 Journal – Summer Festival
 I hope everyone is having a good summer vacation! Mine has been very busy!
 My neighborhood celebrated the Summer Festival on Sunday. There are five danjiri groups in my neighborhood, and I joined the South group. We met at 7:30 in the morning on Sunday and then we started pushing the danjiri at 8:00. We took a break at noon for lunch and to change clothes. Then we started pushing the danjiri again at 1:30 in the afternoon. We pushed it all around the neighborhood. It was very tiring and it was really hot outside!
 We took another break to have dinner at 5:00PM and to change into yukatas. At 6:30 the evening parade began. Three danjiri groups met on the main street of our neighborhood. There were a lot of people and everyone was very excited and happy. The three groups competed to see who was the strongest, but it ended in a draw. When it was finished, each group went home. The parade ended at 10:00.
 I have joined the Summer Festival every summer for four years now and it is always very fun, but very tiring. I hope you have something fun to do this summer too! Stay cool and be safe!

1.Have you ever gone to a summer festival? Where and how was it?
2.What have you done so far this summer vacation?



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