6-15 Journal – Summer is here!
It has become very hot outside recently which can only mean one thing: it’s summer! When you hear the word “summer” what do you think of? I think of playing soccer or football outside or playing games with my friends at home. In the US, summer vacation starts at the end of May and ends at the beginning of August. That means students in America are already on summer break! It also means that summer vacation is about three months long! The school year in America ends in May and starts in August, so it is very different from Japan. There is summer homework in the US, but it is usually reading three or four books and writing reports about them. There is not much math or science homework. But when school starts in August students have to take tests to check if they read the books and to check if they forgot how to do math, science and other subjects! One more thing, on Sunday (June 18th) it is Father’s Day! So try to do something nice for your father if you can. I will call my father because I can’t meet him in Japan. I also will call my mother on Friday (June 16th) because it is her birthday. Have a great weekend! Questions: 1. Which sounds better to you, summer vacation in Japan or summer vacation in America? 2. Would you like to know more about life in American schools? 明日は土曜授業!
・制服の素敵な着こなし ・立ち居振舞いの極意 等を教えていただきます。 日ごろからすぐに役立つ話です。 素敵な社会人を目指しましょう! 校内を彩る花々!
梅雨の始まりでしょうが、あまり雨は降りません。 校内では、その時期々々の花が次々と開花しています。 校内に潤いを与えてます。 【上の写真】小さな花を次々咲かせる「フェアリーベル」 【中の写真】信頼という花言葉を持つ「マーガレット」 【下の写真】花の咲いた形が金魚に見える「金魚草」 校内 掲示板
今年度は、学校力UP支援の大村先生が担当してくださってます。 生徒の皆さんが見やすいように、分野別できれいに掲示してくれてます。 ありがとうございます。 小学校の先生の参観
「生徒の皆さんは、静かに授業を受けていますね。」「学校はとても落ち着いていますね。」というお褒めの言葉をいただきました。 廊下から参観する先生に、生徒達も喜んでいたようです。 |