1年生 学年登校日
あと4日で、2学期始業式! 担任の先生から、夏休みの宿題の進み具合点検がありました。 子ども達は、楽しそうに友達とおしゃべりをしていました。 明日は2年生の登校日です。 ![]() ![]() アダム先生からのメッセージ
Journal 8-17
Hey, everyone! I hope you are having a good summer vacation. I had a good time at the aquarium last weekend and had a fun BBQ at Bampaku park. Only a couple weeks left until school starts again. This week my younger sister returned to America. She lived in Ibaraki prefecture for one year and taught English there. Now she is back in Texas and works as a substitute teacher. She said she enjoyed living in Japan and she thought it was a very nice place, but she missed many people and things from America too much. She sometimes felt homesick and wanted to go home. Before she came to Japan, my sister had lived in France for half a year and she had lived in Vienna, Austria for one year. She studied French in high school and German in university so she could communicate in France and Austria with no problems. When she came to Japan, she had only studied Japanese for one year, and she was working out in the countryside with very few other foreign people. It was difficult for her to communicate, but she did her best. She said one year in Japan was fun, but it was enough for her. My sister is happy she came to Japan, but she is glad to be home now. I hope you all are looking forward to school starting soon! Questions: 1. Have you ever wanted to live somewhere else? Where and why? 2. How long do you want to live there? 3. Do you think you would get homesick? Why or why not? NHK全国学校音楽コンクール大阪府コンクール![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 颯爽とした姿で16番目にステージに立ち、課題曲「願いごとの持ち腐れ」、自由曲「Ave Maria」を見事に歌いきりました。余りにも素晴らしい歌声にゾクゾクしました。 応援に駆けつけてくださいました皆様方、ありがとうございました。 (発表中は写真撮影が禁止の為、合唱の様子を掲載出来ないのは残念です。) 子ども市会の様子(8月10日)![]() ![]() 大阪市を、より元気で住みやすい街にするため、たくさんの意見がでました。(担当:尾上) ![]() ![]() アダム先生からのメッセージ
Journal 8-10
Hey everyone! Today is a normal day, but tomorrow (August eleventh) is a holiday! What will you do? Do you have any plans? Where will you go? When there is a holiday do you do anything new or different? Or do you prefer to just relax at home and not go anywhere? I will go to the beach with my friends tomorrow morning. Everyone is free because it is a holiday, so we can all go together. Usually everyone is busy and we can’t go together, so this is a rare chance. In the afternoon and evening we will probably go to a museum or an aquarium. I’ve only been to the Osaka Kaiyukan, so I’m looking forward to going somewhere new. I’ve also never been to a zoo in Japan, but maybe we don’t have time for that. Have you ever been to a zoo in Japan? What did you think about it? When I was in elementary and middle school, I would go to the zoo with friends every summer because there were so many animals to see, and sometimes you could pet them. The zoo in my hometown is a very big one with about 6,000 animals in it. Since I haven’t been to a zoo in Japan yet, I will try to go to one sometime this summer. It is a good way to learn something new and see interesting things. Everyone keep your bodies and minds active! |