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図書室に新しい本「JAPAN〜MINI ENCYCLOPEDIA OF JAPAN(みずほ日本小百科) 」をいただきました。

Dear Readers,
Mizuho Financial Group, with its subsidiaries including Mizuho Bank Mizuho Trust & Banking and Mizuho Securities, is a leading Japanes financial services group with a global presence and a broad customer base In Japanese, "mizuho" means "a fresh harvest of rice." The phras "mizuho country" - meaning "fruitful country" - is used poetically to refe to Japan Mizuho is committed to providing customers worldwide with the highest quality financial services with honesty and integrity, anticipating new trends on the world stage and expanding our knowledge in order t help customers shape their future. Growing together with our customers in a stable and sustainable manner, we bring together our group-wide expertise to contribute to the prosperity of economies and societie throughout the world. These fundamental commitments support our primary role in bringing fruitfulness for each customer and the economies and the societies in which we operate. Mizuho creates lasting value. It is what makes us invaluable. Mizuho Financial Group will mark its 20th anniversary in 2020, when the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held in Tokyo. As a Tokyo 2020 Gold Partner in the category of "Banking," Mizuho Financial Group will make every effort to help ensure the success of the event, which is an important element of Japan's growth strategy This book is an encyclopedia designed to provide information about all aspects of Japan, a country with a rich natural beauty and a long and productive history of cultural and industrial development, through a number of interesting articles written in plain and clear English and accompanied by beautiful photographs and illustrations. In order to emerge as a winner in today's harsh global competition or to entertain visiting foreigners, we need to have a wide spectrum of accurate knowledge about our own country I hope this encyclopedia will offer a good opportunity for readers to develop a deeper understanding of the country of Japan.

全校集会 7月2日

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