
7/25 男子ソフトテニス部


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7/24 English Literature Club 4

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Good job.

7/24 Engrish Literature Club 3

7 Put everything into a pot. Add the beans,tomatoes,cumin,oregano,chill powder and salt.
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7/24 English Literature Club 2

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4 Put oil in the pan. Add the onion and green pepper. Cook over medium heat for two minutes. Stir often.
5 Add the garlic. Cook for one more minute.
6 Add the ground meat. Cook until brown.

7/24 English Literature Club 1

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Today,English Literature Club's members try cooking.
I was taught how to cook chili by them.

1 Cut off the top of the green pepper.Remove the seeds. Dice the green pepper.
2 Cut off the top and bottom of the onion. Peel the onion. Dice the onion.
3 Cut the garlic into pieces. Peel the garlic. Dice the garlic.
文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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10/17 文化発表会リハーサル 45分授業
10/18 木123 文化発表会会場準備 リハーサル
10/19 文化発表会
10/20 土曜授業(金45・45分授業) 進路説明会 文化発表会展示見学
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