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My name is John. I`m the new Monday ALT for Kami Junior High School. On Tuesdays to Fridays, I teach at Minami High School.

I was born in the Philippines and raised in Manila, the capital. If you have never been, you should totally go! Manila is a salad bowl of different cultures, and you will definitely find lots of good food, fantastic sights, and interesting experiences. On the other hand, in my mother`s hometown in Cebu, there are tons of beautiful and mesmerizing white beaches.

I`m also a musician. I graduated at 18 years old from university with a degree in Music Production, which means I can record and produce music at a professional level. In the past, I co-produced two small albums with my friends, both of which are available online. I came to Japan to discover more about its music and to join its bustling music industry. One day, I look forward to seeing all of you in my concerts!

I also love spicy food. In fact, I am always looking for great restaurants and ways to make things spicy whenever I cook. If you would like to recommend me restaurants in Japan that have really spicy food, feel free to do so! I look forward to it.

Japanese is difficult, but I`m working real hard to learn it! This next May I`m thinking of taking the N2 or N1 JLPT test. It`s going to be an uphill climb but I love challenges. My favorite word is不思議. I wonder why. If you want to speak to me in Japanese or English, try me!

I am also 22 years old, so I am still learning more about the world. However, with all the knowledge I have acquired, I hope that I would both be a great co-worker and teacher. I look forward to teaching at this new school.





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