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5/13  児童朝会

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5/13 いじめについて考える日(児童朝会)







Principal's Speech: "Cherish Every Life"
The Principal's Address

"From the moment we are born, we are surrounded by the love and care of our parents and other close family members. As we enter elementary school, our circle of support expands to include teachers, friends, and members of our community. Looking back on their childhood, half of adults report having experienced bullying, yet were unable to confide in the adults or friends around them.

In closing, I would like to share a poem recited by our 6th graders, titled "Life." This beautiful poem reminds us that all living things possess precious lives, and it is our duty to cherish each and every one.

If you are ever feeling troubled or uncomfortable, please reach out for help. Seeking help is a sign of strength and a way to honor the precious gift of life."

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5/10  耳鼻科検診

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Exame otorrinolaringológico foi realizado. As cartas de "Notificação de Necessidade de Consulta" serão entregues às crianças que precisam de consulta. As aulas de natação começarão em meados de junho, portanto, solicitamos que você consulte o médico o mais rápido possível. Se você for ao hospital, pedimos que apresente o relatório de consulta. Observe que, dependendo do conteúdo da consulta, a participação nas aulas de natação poderá não ser permitida até a recuperação total.

Se ha realizado un examen médico de otorrinolaringología. A los niños que necesiten un examen se les entregará una carta de "Aviso de examen". Las clases de natación comenzarán a mediados de junio, por lo que se les ruega que se hagan el examen lo antes posible. Si va al hospital, le rogamos que presente un informe de la visita. Tenga en cuenta que, dependiendo del contenido del examen, es posible que no se le permita participar en las clases de natación hasta que se haya curado por completo.

We recently conducted an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) screening for all students. For those who require further examination, we will provide a "Notification of Examination" letter. Pool lessons will begin in mid-June, so we kindly request that you receive an examination as soon as possible. Please submit a medical examination report after visiting the hospital. Please note that depending on the results of the examination, participation in pool lessons may not be permitted until full recovery
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5/23 歯科検診1〜4年
5/24 1・2年遠足
5/27 児童集会ハロー活動
5/28 下校時刻変更 全学年給食後下校
5/29 放課後学習教室