1年生 音楽![]() ![]() I was practicing the altricorder. Did you do it well? 大人が見本に!!
This is a notice from the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters. The number of traffic accident casualties involving children tends to increase in August. Parents, please cooperate with us to keep children safe. 中学生の保護者の皆様へ 7月16日![]() ![]() 今週で一学期が終わり、夏休みが始まります。暑さが厳しくなってくるので熱中症に気をつけましょう。 The sunflower has grown so high that it crosses the main gate. The first semester will end this week, and the summer vacation will begin. The heat is getting severe, so be careful of heatstroke. 3区PTA合同高校進学説明会のお知らせ
On Friday, August 31st, the 3-ward PTA joint high school entrance information session will be held at the Naniwa Civic Center. Hours are 12:00-16:30. No registration required, admission is free. ・3区PTA合同高校進学説明会 奨学金のご案内
This is information from the Osaka Prefectural Scholarship Foundation. 次の奨学金は、9月上旬から10月上旬に、在学する中学校で予約募集を行います。 Reservations for the following scholarships will be accepted at the junior high school you are attending from early September to early October. ・大阪府育英会奨学金のご案内 次の奨学金は、毎年5月中旬ごろに、在学している高等学校等で行います。 The following scholarships will be awarded at the high school, etc. where you are currently enrolled around mid-May every year. ・高校生のための給付型奨学金のお知らせ |