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10/9日(水) 午後から、全市研究発表会が、市内の各中学校会場にて行われます。難波中学校の教員もこの研究会に参加するため、生徒は給食を食べたあと、いつもより早く下校します。ご理解・ご協力のほど、お願い申しあげます。

Parents and guardians
From the afternoon of Wednesday, 10/9, the city's research presentation will be held at the venue of each junior high school in the city. In order for teachers at Namba Junior High School to participate in this study group, students leave school earlier than usual after eating school lunches. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
・Normal classes will be held from the 1st to the 3rd period.
・After that, school lunches and class activities will be held, so the time to leave school will be around 12:30.


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This is the overall practice of the 2nd grade cultural activity presentation. I tried to match it as a whole for the first time, but I found various tasks, so I will do my best to complete it.

3年生 社会

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I had a group study about the election.


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Our students also worked hard, but this year Kizu Junior High School showed strength. In both events, all players will take a commemorative photo at the end. The children who participated also enjoyed it regardless of winning or losing. In the operation of the tournament, we received a lot of cooperation from everyone in the community, the ward office and the education committee. Thank you very much.


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Yesterday, 10/6 (Sunday), the "Friends Cup of Naniwa" junior high school tournament was held. Volleyball and softball were played in this tournament. Across the boundaries of each school, the children interacted.
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