2年生 英語It was said that the shape of the bullet train was modeled on a kingfisher as a hint of living things. 絵本の読み聞かせ会1年2組 おばけサーカス 1年3組 ぼくのともだち After school, we held a picture book reading session by the cultural committee. 1st year 2nd class ghost circus 1st year 3rd class My friend 3年生 文化活動発表会取り組みみんな何をしようか悩んでいます。 We decided on the role of the play for the cultural activity presentation. Everyone is worried about what to do. バドミントン部ゲームをたくさんして、この一日で大きく成長できたと思います。 9/14 (Saturday) 1st and 2nd graders had a practice match with Sumieoka Junior High School. 1st and 2nd graders are usually unable to play, so the students were working hard to aim for this practice match. I think I was able to grow a lot in this day by playing a lot of games. サッカー部 |