バドミントン部今週末にある大会に向けて、とてもよい練習になりました。 8/1 (Thursday) The badminton club played a practice match with Akebonogawa Junior High School and Shibashima Junior High School. It was a very good practice for the tournament this weekend. バドミントン部コースロープの整備のお手伝いもしてくれました! お手伝いのあとは、リレーやビーチバレーを行い、楽しそうな様子をみることができました。 7/31 (Wednesday) The badminton club entered the pool after practicing in the gymnasium. He also helped me maintain the course rope! After the help, we did relays and beach volleyball, and we were able to see how they were having fun. バドミントン部2年生と3年生の二つのチームに分かれて出場し、団体戦を行いました。 どちらも惜しくも決勝リーグには勝ち上がれませんでしたが、これまでの成長を感じる試合となりました。 応援にきてくださった保護者の皆様ありがとうございました。 7/28 (Sun) There was a Taisho Open junior high school student exchange game. We participated in two teams, 2nd and 3rd graders, and played a team game. Both of them were not able to win the final league, but it was a game that felt the growth. Thank you to all the parents who came to support us. バドミントン部初戦の豊中十五中、2回戦の高槻芝谷中、3回戦の三稜中を下し、4回戦まで勝ち上がることができました。 7/23 (Tuesday) There was a badminton team match at the Osaka Junior High School Championships. I was able to win the 4th round by defeating Toyonaka 15th in Toyonaka 15th round, Takatsuki Shibaya in the 2nd round, and Sanryochu in the 3rd round. サッカー部4対1で勝利することができました! 暑い中、応援ありがとうございました! |