ナニワ区民まつりThe brass band club appeared at the Naniwa Ward People's Festival held yesterday. In addition to the performance of our school alone, there was also a joint performance of three junior high schools in Naniwa Ward and Imamiya High School. The preparation and adjustment so far have been difficult, but it was a moment that local people could enjoy. バドミントン部難波中学校の練習のハードさにどちらの学校も驚いていました。 新チーム始動しています!たくさん練習も試合もして強くなっていきましょう。 We had a practice match with Nihonbashi Junior High School and Taisho Higashi Junior High School on 10/19 (Saturday)! Both schools were surprised by the hardness of Namba Junior High School's practice. A new team is starting! Let's practice and compete a lot and become stronger. サッカー部夕陽丘中学校との練習試合は 3対0で勝利することができました! 文化活動発表会The end of the afternoon presentation is a speech and play of the 3rd grade peace learning. He expressed the events of the three years and conveyed a message as a senior at Namba Junior High School to the first and second graders. 文化活動発表会In the afternoon, the 2nd grade will be announced. Presentations were made in various forms such as videos, slides, group reading, sign language, chorus, and drums. |