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The end of the afternoon presentation is a speech and play of the 3rd grade peace learning. He expressed the events of the three years and conveyed a message as a senior at Namba Junior High School to the first and second graders.


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In the afternoon, the 2nd grade will be announced. Presentations were made in various forms such as videos, slides, group reading, sign language, chorus, and drums.

なにわ子ども人権文化祭 その7

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At the end of the morning, everyone in the venue sang "My Friends". It was powerful with a very loud voice.

なにわ子ども人権文化祭 その6

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It was a performance by everyone in the brass band club. There was also a surprise, and it was very exciting.

なにわ子ども人権文化祭 その5

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It is a chorus "All the time" by everyone from Shiokusa Tateha Elementary School. It was exciting with a breathing chorus.
文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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