
なにわ子ども人権文化祭 その3

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It is a chorus by everyone from Odamachi Nursery School, Naniwa No. 1 Nursery School, Naniwa No. 5 Nursery School, and Tateba Kindergarten. Everyone in the venue made "head, head, knee, pon" movements in accordance with the song.

なにわ子ども人権文化祭 その2

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難波支援学校の生徒によるボディーパーカッション 身体表現「風になりたい」です。会場中で手拍子がなり盛り上がっていました。

Body percussion by students at Namba Support School Body expression "I want to be the wind". The audience was clapped and excited.

なにわ子ども人権文化祭 その1

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Musical instrument performance by the Korean Cultural Research Department "Edura! Churgija! It is. The instrument and sound quizzes were also exciting.


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Finally, the Naniwa Children's Human Rights Cultural Festival will begin again this year. " Exchanges between children and students from nurseries, kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, and support schools will be held with the keywords "human rights, autonomy, and independence".


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2nd graders are working in 5 groups. Today, we practiced presentations and made final adjustments to the video. Everyone, please look forward to the cultural activity presentation!
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