学力向上研修From the afternoon, teachers and staff are training. " We conducted a training on how to communicate under the title "Newspaper x Logical". I also had the grade correspondence distributed to students and parents corrected. I was working hard on what I learned here so that I could use it in class. 期末テストThe final exam starts today, and the classroom is enveloped in a different sense of tension than usual. The students are facing the desk and facing the problem with a serious expression. 探究読解プロジェクトIIFinally, we will create slides in PowerPoint based on the proposal created by the group and make a presentation. This time, I'm going to shoot a video and challenge everyone at Kubota Spears to see how many projects they can do! How many projects will actually be adopted by the second graders of Namba Junior High School? Not only do you create slides, but also practice presentations! 探究・読解プロジェクトIn the second grade, I am making presentation materials to solve the mission assigned to the volleyball Kubota Spears. 元気アップテスト前学習会Today, there are a few students left to study hard. |