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「やっと終わったーーー!」「解放だーー!」「これで部活に集中できる!」「次は冬休みだー!でも通知表が怖い……」「もう勉強しばらく見たくない!」中学生たちの心の声、そんな感じでしょうか? 最後のテストを乗り越えた後は、きっと達成感と安心感が押し寄せてきますね!

"It's finally over!"
"It's liberation!"
"Now you can focus on club activities!"
"Next is winter vacation! But I'm afraid of the notification sheet......"
" I don't want to study for a while!"
Is the voice of junior high school students like that? After passing the last test, you will surely feel a sense of accomplishment and a sense of security!


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This is a guide to the special page of the Taisho Human Rights Exhibition. It is scheduled to be released from December 1st.



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From the afternoon, teachers and staff are training. " We conducted a training on how to communicate under the title "Newspaper x Logical". I also had the grade correspondence distributed to students and parents corrected. I was working hard on what I learned here so that I could use it in class.


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The final exam starts today, and the classroom is enveloped in a different sense of tension than usual. The students are facing the desk and facing the problem with a serious expression.


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Finally, we will create slides in PowerPoint based on the proposal created by the group and make a presentation. This time, I'm going to shoot a video and challenge everyone at Kubota Spears to see how many projects they can do! How many projects will actually be adopted by the second graders of Namba Junior High School? Not only do you create slides, but also practice presentations!
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