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After school, we had a research discussion. The teachers frankly expressed their opinions on what they felt, and the time passed in a homely atmosphere.


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教員がお高いに授業力を高めるために、 6時間目に相互授業参観を行いました。

In order to improve the teaching skills of the teachers, we visited each other in the 6th period.


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「やっと終わったーーー!」「解放だーー!」「これで部活に集中できる!」「次は冬休みだー!でも通知表が怖い……」「もう勉強しばらく見たくない!」中学生たちの心の声、そんな感じでしょうか? 最後のテストを乗り越えた後は、きっと達成感と安心感が押し寄せてきますね!

"It's finally over!"
"It's liberation!"
"Now you can focus on club activities!"
"Next is winter vacation! But I'm afraid of the notification sheet......"
" I don't want to study for a while!"
Is the voice of junior high school students like that? After passing the last test, you will surely feel a sense of accomplishment and a sense of security!


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This is a guide to the special page of the Taisho Human Rights Exhibition. It is scheduled to be released from December 1st.



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From the afternoon, teachers and staff are training. " We conducted a training on how to communicate under the title "Newspaper x Logical". I also had the grade correspondence distributed to students and parents corrected. I was working hard on what I learned here so that I could use it in class.
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