3年生 性教育![]() ![]() フレッシュ・コンサート![]() ![]() This is an article from last Thursday. Everyone at the Osaka University of the Arts Brass Orchestra performed a wonderful fresh concert for our students. Through the performance, it was an opportunity to relearn the emotion and joy brought by music, and the greatness of working towards one goal with my colleagues. 全校集会![]() ![]() There are only a few left in this year. The final exam is over, and the accumulation of children's daily efforts leads to growth. The cold weather will continue, but let's take care of our health and safety and do our best until the end! Let's move forward step by step towards the new year! 大阪市習い事・塾代助成事業の令和7年4月からの利用登録申請受付について
これは、大阪市内在住の小学5年生から中学3年生を対象として、学習塾や家庭教師、文化・スポーツ教室など(オンライン学習塾などを含む。)の学校外教育にかかる費用について、月額1万円を上限に助成するものです。 詳細は、大阪市ホームページをご覧ください。 https://www.city.osaka.lg.jp/hodoshiryo/kodomo/... 3年生実力テスト![]() ![]() ……………… 実力テストの日が来たけれど、正直なところあまり自信はない。勉強が苦手で、どこから手をつければいいのか分からず、準備も十分にはできなかった。それでも、何もしないよりはと少しでも覚えようとしたけれど、問題を前にするとやっぱり難しい。焦る気持ちと「どうせできない」という思いが頭をよぎる。それでも、「諦めたら何も変わらない」と心の中で自分に言い聞かせて、とりあえず一つずつ解いてみることにした。完璧じゃなくても、今できることをやってみよう。それがきっと次につながると信じて。 Is this the feeling of a 3rd grader who takes a proficiency test? .................. The day of the ability test has come, but to be honest, I'm not very confident. I was not good at studying, I didn't know where to start, and I couldn't prepare enough. Even so, I tried to remember a little bit rather than doing nothing, but it was still difficult when faced with the problem. Impatience and the thought of "I can't do it anyway" cross my mind. Even so, I told myself in my heart, "If I give up, nothing will change," and I decided to try to solve them one by one. Even if it's not perfect, let's do what we can do now. I believe that it will surely lead to the next one. |