人権学習 その4![]() ![]() “差別”は1人1人の考えが大切なんだと感じた。太鼓をつくる人は、とてもすごい人でリスペクトする人でもあるのに、数年前まで、差別があったと思わなかった。太鼓の演奏では、力強くて、「怒」の人たちの団結力がすごくかっこいいと思い、声もそろっていて私もしてみたいと思いました。とても楽しかったです。 This is a student's impression. I felt that "discrimination" was important for each person's thoughts. People who make drums are very amazing people and people who respect, but until a few years ago, I didn't think there was discrimination. In the drum performance, I thought it was powerful and the unity of the "angry" people was very cool, and the voices were the same, so I wanted to try it too. It was a lot of fun. 人権学習 その3![]() ![]() 牛を殺して牛の皮を使って太鼓を作ると、牛が可愛そうって言う人もいるけど、みんな牛肉を食べたりしているんだから、僕はみんなから批判がくるのはおかしい、差別だと思いました。だからみんなに分かってもらって差別がなくなるといいなと思いました。太鼓の演奏を聞いて、迫力がすごいなと思いました。これからも頑張ってください! This is a student's impression. When I kill a cow and use cow skin to make drums, some people say that cows look pitiful, but since everyone eats beef, I thought it was strange and discrimination to get criticism from everyone. That's why I hope everyone understands and discrimination disappears. When I heard the drum performance, I thought it was very powerful. Please continue to do your best! 人権学習 その2![]() ![]() It is a performance experience by children. サッカー部![]() ![]() 人権学習 その1![]() ![]() The children were also looking forward to the wonderful performance of the drum group "IKARI", and many people were seriously immersed in it. " I felt weight in each of the people's words of "IKARI", and it made me think that it was something we can do now to face the future, not to "do not wake up a sleeping child". |