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We have a corner that says "Take care of your heart".


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2年生は もうすぐ 職場体験ですね。図書室では、お仕事小説コーナー を作りました。見に来てね!

2nd graders are about to experience the workplace. In the library, we created a work novel corner. Come and see!


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It was a picture book read by a student in the 2nd class of the 3rd year. It was very easy to listen to and read well.

3年生 性教育

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12月2日(月) 6時間に保健師さんをお呼びして、「性感染」についてのお話をいただきました。


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This is an article from last Thursday. Everyone at the Osaka University of the Arts Brass Orchestra performed a wonderful fresh concert for our students. Through the performance, it was an opportunity to relearn the emotion and joy brought by music, and the greatness of working towards one goal with my colleagues.
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