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クリームは、均質化前の生乳から乳脂肪を取り出した乳製品です。 白色や薄黄色の濃厚な液体で、原則として牛乳成分に由来します。広く洋菓子やパンに用いられ、とろっとした甘みのある食品全般のことを指し、生クリーム、カスタードクリーム、ホイップクリームなどの種類があります。幅広く使われているクリームですが、発祥は不明です。今日のメニューの白菜のクリーム煮には生クリームが使われています。クリームが濃厚で、はくさい、しいたけ、ニンジン、玉ねぎなどの野菜がゴロゴロ入っていました。
Creamed Chinese cabbage, deep-fried tofu with spicy soy sauce, stir-fried pork and sand beans with oyster sauce
Cream is a dairy product made by extracting milk fat from raw milk before homogenization. It is a thick white or light yellow liquid, and in principle, it is derived from milk components. It is widely used in Western sweets and breads, and refers to all foods with a thick, sweet taste, and there are various types such as fresh cream, custard cream, and whipped cream. Although cream is widely used, its origin is unknown. Today's menu, creamed Chinese cabbage, uses fresh cream. The cream was rich and contained lots of vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, and onions.
Thank you for the meal, with gratitude for all the ingredients.


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Chicken with grated radish and soy sauce, bite-sized ganmo and potato simmered in miso, boiled mizuna
Soy sauce is a liquid seasoning made mainly from grains and fermented using brewing techniques. Originating from Chinese soy sauce, it is one of the basic seasonings in East Asian cuisine and is the most widely used seasoning in Japan. It is used as a dipping sauce for sushi and sashimi, as a seasoning for clear soup, and in the Japanese cooking method called zuke. There are various types of soy sauce, such as dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, tamari soy sauce, and dashi soy sauce.
Today's menu includes chicken with grated radish and soy sauce and boiled mizuna, and light soy sauce is used for this dish. The chicken was tender, the mizuna was crunchy, and the moderate saltiness of the light soy sauce gave it a good flavor.


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チーズとは、乳蛋白質であるカゼインの凝固によって、さまざまな風味、食感、形状で製造される乳製品です。 牛・水牛・羊・山羊・ヤクなど鯨偶蹄目の反芻をする家畜から得られる乳からの蛋白質と脂質で構成されています。通常、乳酸発酵で酸乳化し、酵素(レンネットまたは同様の活性を持つ細菌性酵素のいずれか)が添加され、できた凝乳(カード)から液体成分(ホエー)を分離してさらにプレスし脱水して完成したチーズとなります。酸乳化後固形分を濾しとる方法や、加熱(低温殺菌の温度まで)しクエン酸や食酢や柑橘果汁を添加し出来た固形分を濾しとる方法もあります。一般的なものとしてはフレッシュチーズ、白かびチーズ、ウォッシュチーズ、シェーブルチーズ(山羊乳チーズ)、ブルーチーズ、半硬質チーズ、硬質チーズ(ハードチーズ)、超硬質チーズなどがあります。
Curry rice with pork and kidney beans, Chinese cabbage pickles, cheese sticks
Cheese is a dairy product produced in various flavors, textures and shapes by coagulation of casein, a milk protein. It is made from proteins and lipids from milk obtained from ruminant livestock of the cetacean order, such as cows, buffalo, sheep, goats and yaks. It is usually emulsified by lactic acid fermentation, enzymes (either rennet or bacterial enzymes with similar activity) are added, and the liquid component (whey) is separated from the resulting curd (curd), which is then pressed and dehydrated to produce the finished cheese. There are also methods of filtering out the solids after acid emulsification, or of heating (up to pasteurization temperature) and adding citric acid, vinegar or citrus juice, and filtering out the solids. Common types include fresh cheese, white mold cheese, washed cheese, goat's milk cheese, blue cheese, semi-hard cheese, hard cheese, and extra-hard cheese.
Today's menu featured cheese sticks. It was an addictive dish with a moist texture and unique flavor.


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アジは、アジ科アジ亜科に含まれる魚の総称です。日本ではその中の一種マアジを指すことが多いですが、他にも多くの種類があります。世界各地の熱帯・温帯域で食用に漁獲されています。全世界の熱帯・温帯海域に多くの種類が知られ、日本でも南西諸島沿岸でインド太平洋産の種類が多く見られます。カッポレ Caranx lugubris は全世界の熱帯・亜熱帯海域に分布する汎世界種です。マアジは日本では馴染み深い魚種ですが、その分布は北海道から南シナ海までとあまり広くありません。脂がとてものっていて、レモンのマリネソースでさっぱりとした味でおいしくいただけました。
Horse mackerel in lemon marinade, stewed beans in soup, canned white peach
Horse mackerel is a general term for fish belonging to the Carangidae family, subfamily Caranginae. In Japan, it often refers to one type of horse mackerel, but there are many other types. It is caught for food in tropical and temperate regions around the world. Many types are known in tropical and temperate waters around the world, and in Japan, many Indo-Pacific species can be found off the coast of the Ryukyu Islands. Caranx lugubris is a pan-global species found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. Horse mackerel is a familiar fish species in Japan, but its distribution is not very wide, ranging from Hokkaido to the South China Sea. It was very fatty and the lemon marinade sauce gave it a refreshing taste, making it delicious.


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Lotus root chirashizushi, zoni, small sardine
Zoni is a Japanese dish with mochi as the main ingredient and a soup seasoned with soy sauce or miso. It is a type of soup dish seen from a global perspective, and is often eaten during the New Year in Japan, with variations depending on the region and household. The mochi that goes into zoni varies from region to region, and is often cited as an example of the differences in eating habits in different parts of Japan. The mochi that goes into zoni can be subdivided into those that are baked before being put into the soup to make them fragrant, those that are boiled raw in the soup, and also into square mochi and round mochi.
It is said that in eastern Japan, square mochi is generally served plain, and in western Japan, round mochi is generally served with miso soup, but it varies from household to household. Today's zoni was miso-based. It was filled with shiratama mochi, miso-based soup, and plenty of vegetables such as kintoki carrots, radishes, and taro.
I hope this year will be a good one too.
文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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1/20 児童集会(給食委員会発表)
1/21 栄養指導1・2年
1/22 栄養指導3・5年
1/23 栄養指導4年
1/24 栄養指導6年





