写真撮影![]() ![]() From the afternoon, it was time to take a career photo of the 3rd grade. 面接練習![]() ![]() Today, junior high school 3rd graders conducted interview practice for the high school entrance exam. In this practice, which is an important step in choosing a career path, the students were seen taking it seriously in a sense of tension. In practice, we convey how to greet, posture, the content of the answer, the politeness of the way of speaking, etc. In practice, some students showed nervous faces, but some students began to answer questions calmly as the questions progressed. Your attitude in your daily school life is also reflected in the interview. It seems that the students also had an opportunity to reconsider themselves. Through such initiatives, we have high expectations for the growth of the 3rd graders who are about to take the exam. In production, I would like you to fully demonstrate the power you have cultivated in today's practice. 薬物・喫煙防止教室![]() ![]() Yesterday, you can inform you of the effects of drug abuse and smoking, and protect yourself from danger and temptation. In order to nourish the spirit, we held a drug and smoking prevention class. The leaders of the Board of Education, the Naniwa Police, the Juvenile Support Center, the protection moderator, and the juvenile guidance assistants came to learn by video, lectures from the juvenile section, role play, ○× quizzes, etc. 図書室より![]() ![]() We have a corner that says "Take care of your heart". お仕事小説コーナー![]() ![]() 2nd graders are about to experience the workplace. In the library, we created a work novel corner. Come and see! |