第3回実力テスト![]() ![]() 3rd graders, please believe in the efforts you have accumulated so far and give full play to your strength. The result is a proof of a challenge to yourself, both what you are not good at and what you are good at, everything that leads to growth. サッカー部![]() ![]() 2対0で勝つことができました! 人権学習 その8![]() ![]() 貴重な時間を私たちに使っていただき、ありがとうございました。演奏はもちろん、演奏中のみなさんの笑顔やパフォーマンスを見ていると、自然とこっちまで明るい気持ちになってしまうようでした。「差別」や「人権」の話の内容を心に、肝にめいじて生きていきたいと思いました。……(中略)……「怒」の皆さんの中に女性の方がいることが何だかすごく嬉しくて、すごくかっこいい演奏をしていて心に響くものがありました。祭りごとの演奏も、こういった時に披露される演奏も変わらず素敵なもので、聞き入ってしまいました。すごく楽しかったです。本当にありがとうございました。 This is a student's impression. Thank you for using our valuable time. Not only the performance, but also when I saw everyone's smiles and performances during the performance, I naturally felt cheerful. " I wanted to live with the content of the story of "discrimination" and "human rights" in mind. ......(Omitted)......I was very happy that there was a woman among the "angry" people, and there was something that touched my heart because she was playing a very cool performance. The performances at each festival and the performances performed at times like this are still wonderful, and I listened to them. It was a lot of fun. Thank you very much. 人権学習 その7![]() ![]() 最初の話を聞いて、実際に感じられるすごさも見えないようなすごさ(皮をはがして太鼓を作ったりすること)の両方を感じられました。だめな仕事をしているわけではないのに、家庭や身の周りの人に自分の仕事を教えられなかったり、それで差別するのは絶対違うと思います。そういった想いが太鼓の演奏を見て、聞いてとても伝わってきました。これから差別するすることはとても恥ずかしいことを心に刻みながら過ごしていきたいです。 This is a student's impression. After listening to the first story, I was able to feel both the amazingness that I could actually feel and the amazingness that I couldn't see (skinning off and making drums). I don't have a bad job, but I think it's absolutely different that you can't teach your work to your family and people around you, or to discriminate against it. Such thoughts were very conveyed when I saw and heard the drum performance. I would like to spend my time keeping in mind that it is very embarrassing to discriminate from now on. 人権学習 その6![]() ![]() 今まで人権のことについて何度も学習して分かっているつもりだったけど、今回の話を聞いて、確かにそうだったんだと改めて学ぶことができました。……(中略)……太鼓はすごく大きかったし、バチも大きかったです。僕が太鼓を叩いている時に、「怒」の方がうまいとほめてくれたりしてうれしかったです。演奏は迫力がすごくて、一人一人役があるし、太鼓を叩くだけじゃなくて踊りのような演出もあってめちゃすごかったです。……(中略)……貴重な体験をありがとうございました。 This is a student's impression. I thought I had learned about human rights many times so far, but after listening to this story, I was able to learn again that it was indeed the case. ......(Omitted)......The drum was very big, and the bee was also big. When I was beating the drum, I was happy that he praised me for being better at "anger". The performance was very powerful, each person played a role, and it was amazing that there was a production like a dance, not just beating the drums. ......(Omitted)......Thank you for your valuable experience. |