1月20日(月)給食献立![]() ![]() 筑前煮は福岡県の代表的な郷土料理です。炒り鶏や、福岡県ではがめ煮とも呼ばれます。 ウィキペディアによると、博多弁の「がめくり込む」(「寄せ集める」などの意)が名前の由来とも、当時「どぶがめ」と呼ばれていたスッポンとあり合せの材料を煮込んで食べたのが始まりとも言われています。現在はスッポンではなく鶏肉を使うのが普通です。正月料理や祝いの席での料理として作られるほど地元では欠かせない味となっており、水炊きとともに農山漁村の郷土料理百選に福岡県の郷土料理として選ばれているそうです。 鶏肉はやわらかく、野菜や鶏肉に煮汁がよく染みていました。 Chikuzen-ni, Tuna and cabbage with sesame sauce, Black bean stew Chikuzen-ni is a representative local dish of Fukuoka Prefecture. It is also called fried chicken or game-ni in Fukuoka Prefecture. According to Wikipedia, the name is said to come from the Hakata dialect "gamekurikomu" (meaning "to gather together"), or it is said to have originated from stewing soft-shelled turtles, which were called "dobugame" at the time, with whatever ingredients were available. Nowadays, chicken is usually used instead of soft-shelled turtles. It has become such an indispensable local flavor that it is made for New Year's dishes and celebratory occasions, and it has been selected as one of the 100 best local dishes of rural areas, along with mizutaki, as a local dish of Fukuoka Prefecture. The chicken was tender, and the broth soaked into the vegetables and chicken well. 1/20
1/20 児童朝会
30年前の1月17日、阪神淡路大震災が起こりました。校長先生は、写真を紹介しながら、地震被害の様子をお話されました。被害にあった人々の力になるよう、たくさんの人々がボランティアに参加しました。日頃から、人のお手伝いをする、困っている人に手をさしのべることの大切さをお話されました。 ******* O Grande Terremoto de Hanshin-Awaji ocorreu em 17 de janeiro, 30 anos atrás. O diretor falou sobre os danos causados pelo terremoto enquanto mostrava fotos. Muitas pessoas participaram como voluntárias para ajudar os afetados pelo desastre. Ele falou sobre a importância de ajudar os outros e dar uma mãozinha aos necessitados diariamente. ******* El gran terremoto de Hanshin-Awaji ocurrió el 17 de enero, hace 30 años. El director habló sobre los daños causados por el terremoto mientras mostraba fotografías. Muchas personas participaron como voluntarios para ayudar a los afectados por el desastre. Habló sobre la importancia de ayudar a los demás y de brindar una mano amiga a los necesitados a diario. ******* Ang Great Hanshin-Awaji na Lindol ay naganap noong Enero 17, 30 taon na ang nakararaan. Nagsalita ang punong-guro tungkol sa pinsalang dulot ng lindol habang nagpapakita ng mga larawan. Maraming tao ang lumahok bilang mga boluntaryo upang tumulong sa mga naapektuhan ng kalamidad. Nagsalita siya tungkol sa kahalagahan ng pagtulong sa kapwa at pagbibigay ng tulong sa mga nangangailangan sa araw-araw. ******* Trận động đất lớn Hanshin-Awaji xảy ra vào ngày 17 tháng 1, 30 năm trước. Hiệu trưởng đã nói về thiệt hại do trận động đất gây ra trong khi trình chiếu những bức ảnh. Nhiều người đã tham gia với tư cách là tình nguyện viên để giúp đỡ những người bị ảnh hưởng bởi thảm họa. Ông đã nói về tầm quan trọng của việc giúp đỡ người khác và giúp đỡ những người gặp khó khăn hàng ngày. ******* The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred on January 17, 30 years ago. The principal talked about the damage caused by the earthquake while showing photos. Many people participated as volunteers to help those affected by the disaster. He talked about the importance of helping others and lending a helping hand to those in need on a daily basis. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 1月17日(金)給食献立![]() ![]() クリームは、均質化前の生乳から乳脂肪を取り出した乳製品です。 白色や薄黄色の濃厚な液体で、原則として牛乳成分に由来します。広く洋菓子やパンに用いられ、とろっとした甘みのある食品全般のことを指し、生クリーム、カスタードクリーム、ホイップクリームなどの種類があります。幅広く使われているクリームですが、発祥は不明です。今日のメニューの白菜のクリーム煮には生クリームが使われています。クリームが濃厚で、はくさい、しいたけ、ニンジン、玉ねぎなどの野菜がゴロゴロ入っていました。 すべての食材に感謝を込めて、ごちそうさまでした。 Creamed Chinese cabbage, deep-fried tofu with spicy soy sauce, stir-fried pork and sand beans with oyster sauce Cream is a dairy product made by extracting milk fat from raw milk before homogenization. It is a thick white or light yellow liquid, and in principle, it is derived from milk components. It is widely used in Western sweets and breads, and refers to all foods with a thick, sweet taste, and there are various types such as fresh cream, custard cream, and whipped cream. Although cream is widely used, its origin is unknown. Today's menu, creamed Chinese cabbage, uses fresh cream. The cream was rich and contained lots of vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, and onions. Thank you for the meal, with gratitude for all the ingredients. 1月16日(木)給食献立![]() ![]() 醤油は、主に穀物を原料とし、醸造技術により発酵させて製造する液体調味料です。中国の醤を起源とする、東アジアの料理における基本的な調味料の一つで、日本で最も使われている調味料です。お寿司や刺身のつけダレに使われる他、お吸い物の調味料として使われたり、ヅケという日本料理の調理法に使われたりします。濃い口しょうゆ、薄口しょうゆの他、溜り醤油や出汁醤油など様々な種類の醤油が存在します。 本日のメニューの鶏肉のおろしじょうゆかけとみずなの煮びたしには薄口醤油が使われています。鶏肉は柔らかく、水菜はシャキシャキで薄口しょうゆの程よい塩味がいい味を出していました。 Chicken with grated radish and soy sauce, bite-sized ganmo and potato simmered in miso, boiled mizuna Soy sauce is a liquid seasoning made mainly from grains and fermented using brewing techniques. Originating from Chinese soy sauce, it is one of the basic seasonings in East Asian cuisine and is the most widely used seasoning in Japan. It is used as a dipping sauce for sushi and sashimi, as a seasoning for clear soup, and in the Japanese cooking method called zuke. There are various types of soy sauce, such as dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, tamari soy sauce, and dashi soy sauce. Today's menu includes chicken with grated radish and soy sauce and boiled mizuna, and light soy sauce is used for this dish. The chicken was tender, the mizuna was crunchy, and the moderate saltiness of the light soy sauce gave it a good flavor. 1月15日(水)給食献立![]() ![]() チーズとは、乳蛋白質であるカゼインの凝固によって、さまざまな風味、食感、形状で製造される乳製品です。 牛・水牛・羊・山羊・ヤクなど鯨偶蹄目の反芻をする家畜から得られる乳からの蛋白質と脂質で構成されています。通常、乳酸発酵で酸乳化し、酵素(レンネットまたは同様の活性を持つ細菌性酵素のいずれか)が添加され、できた凝乳(カード)から液体成分(ホエー)を分離してさらにプレスし脱水して完成したチーズとなります。酸乳化後固形分を濾しとる方法や、加熱(低温殺菌の温度まで)しクエン酸や食酢や柑橘果汁を添加し出来た固形分を濾しとる方法もあります。一般的なものとしてはフレッシュチーズ、白かびチーズ、ウォッシュチーズ、シェーブルチーズ(山羊乳チーズ)、ブルーチーズ、半硬質チーズ、硬質チーズ(ハードチーズ)、超硬質チーズなどがあります。 今日の献立には棒チーズが出ました。しっとりとした食感に独特な味がやみつきになる一品でした。 Curry rice with pork and kidney beans, Chinese cabbage pickles, cheese sticks Cheese is a dairy product produced in various flavors, textures and shapes by coagulation of casein, a milk protein. It is made from proteins and lipids from milk obtained from ruminant livestock of the cetacean order, such as cows, buffalo, sheep, goats and yaks. It is usually emulsified by lactic acid fermentation, enzymes (either rennet or bacterial enzymes with similar activity) are added, and the liquid component (whey) is separated from the resulting curd (curd), which is then pressed and dehydrated to produce the finished cheese. There are also methods of filtering out the solids after acid emulsification, or of heating (up to pasteurization temperature) and adding citric acid, vinegar or citrus juice, and filtering out the solids. Common types include fresh cheese, white mold cheese, washed cheese, goat's milk cheese, blue cheese, semi-hard cheese, hard cheese, and extra-hard cheese. Today's menu featured cheese sticks. It was an addictive dish with a moist texture and unique flavor. |