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保護者の方へ 職場体験の様子を見に行きたいとのお問い合わせを頂いておりますが、各事業所のご迷惑にもなりますので、ご遠慮ください。

Today and tomorrow, 2nd graders will have a workplace experience. Please enjoy the experience that you can't feel on campus alone! Believe in your potential and learn as much as you can. Good luck!

Dear each office, thank you for taking care of me for 2 days.

Parents and guardians have received inquiries that they would like to go to see the state of the workplace experience, but it will also cause inconvenience to each office, so please refrain from doing so.


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図書室では、冬の特別貸出が始まっています。 ひとり5冊 まで借りられ、1月10日まで借りることができます。2学期中に、ぜひ借りにきてね!

Special winter lending has begun in the library. You can borrow up to 5 books per person until January 10. Please come and borrow it during the second semester!


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From the afternoon, it was time to take a career photo of the 3rd grade.


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本日、中学3年生が高校入試に向けた面接練習を実施しました。進路選択における重要な一歩となるこの練習では、生徒たちが緊張感の中で真剣に取り組む姿が見られました。 練習では、挨拶の仕方や姿勢、受け答えの内容、話し方の丁寧さなどについて伝えています。練習では、緊張の面持ちを見せていた生徒もいましたが、質問が進むにつれ、落ち着いて質問に答えるようになる生徒もいました。普段の学校生活での態度が面接にも表れます。生徒たちも改めて自分自身を見つめ直す機会となったようです。このような取り組みを通じて、受験を目前に控えた3年生たちが成長していく姿に、大きな期待を寄せています。本番でも、今日の練習で培った力を存分に発揮してほしいと思います。

Today, junior high school 3rd graders conducted interview practice for the high school entrance exam. In this practice, which is an important step in choosing a career path, the students were seen taking it seriously in a sense of tension. In practice, we convey how to greet, posture, the content of the answer, the politeness of the way of speaking, etc. In practice, some students showed nervous faces, but some students began to answer questions calmly as the questions progressed. Your attitude in your daily school life is also reflected in the interview. It seems that the students also had an opportunity to reconsider themselves. Through such initiatives, we have high expectations for the growth of the 3rd graders who are about to take the exam. In production, I would like you to fully demonstrate the power you have cultivated in today's practice.


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Yesterday, you can inform you of the effects of drug abuse and smoking, and protect yourself from danger and temptation. In order to nourish the spirit, we held a drug and smoking prevention class. The leaders of the Board of Education, the Naniwa Police, the Juvenile Support Center, the protection moderator, and the juvenile guidance assistants came to learn by video, lectures from the juvenile section, role play, ○× quizzes, etc.
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