ハングルカルタ? ハングルカルタI played at Hangul Karta in the morning literary research activities. I was able to learn about verbs and adjectives in a fun way using Carta. 百人一首大会It seems that the second graders are enjoying the Hyakunin Isshu tournament. In front of the spread-out tag, he listened to the signal of the drum and the voice of the reader, and enjoyed himself. The venue was enveloped in enthusiasm, as some students took bills at an amazing speed with teachers and friends. 移動図書館We regularly patrol the classroom from the library, lending books and accepting returns. We are also thinking of preparing books according to the wishes of the children and delivering them to the next patrol. 着々と……During the sixth period, the third-year students practiced for interviews and wrote their graduation essay drafts while waiting for their turn. With entrance exams just around the corner, it feels like the graduation ceremony will be here in no time. |