3月4日(火)給食献立![]() ![]() あげどりのバーベキューソースは甘辛く煮たソースがよく揚げられた鶏肉によくかかっていて、カレースープは野菜がたくさん入っていてとてもスパイシーで、フルーツゼリーは果物がたくさん入っていてとても甘みがあって美味でした。 6年生の皆さん、ご卒業おめでとうございます! Today's school lunch menu was a graduation celebration menu. We had fried chicken with barbecue sauce, curry soup, cabbage and corn salad, and fruit jelly. Today's lunch was filled with the feeling of celebrating the graduation of the sixth graders. The fried chicken with barbecue sauce was a sweet and spicy sauce that went perfectly with the deep-fried chicken, the curry soup was very spicy with lots of vegetables, and the fruit jelly was very sweet and delicious with lots of fruit. Congratulations on your graduation, sixth graders! 3月3日(月)給食献立![]() ![]() 高野豆腐とは、生の豆腐を凍らせて低温で熟成させ、水分を抜いて乾燥させた物で、名前の由来は、高野山の僧侶たちによって作られたからとも言われています。ビタミンDやカルシウム、タンパク質や脂質を多く含んており、イソフラボンは骨からカルシウムが溶けだすのを防ぐ役割があります。 高野豆腐の煮物には高野豆腐がつかわれています。柔らかく、昆布と削り節の汁がよくしみていて味がしっかりとついていました。 Pork shogayaki, miso soup, simmered freeze-dried tofu Freeze-dried tofu is made by freezing raw tofu, ripening it at low temperatures, removing the moisture, and drying it. It is said that the name comes from the fact that it was made by the monks of Mount Koya. It is rich in vitamin D, calcium, protein, and lipids, and isoflavones help prevent calcium from dissolving from the bones. Freeze-dried tofu is used in the simmered freeze-dried tofu. It was soft, and the juices from the kelp and dried bonito flakes were well-absorbed, giving it a strong flavor. 3/3 児童朝会 表彰![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ******* The principal presented awards to students who achieved outstanding results, including in the book review contest, winning the local baseball tournament, and winning the Kick Baseball District Mayor's Cup. 3/3 見守り隊 感謝の会![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ******* Todas as manhãs, os moradores locais que cuidam das crianças em segurança no caminho para a escola eram convidados para a escola, e os alunos do sexto ano faziam discursos de agradecimento e o diretor os presenteava com uma carta de agradecimento. ******* Todas las mañanas, la gente local que vela por que los niños vayan seguros a la escuela era invitada a la escuela, y los alumnos de sexto grado daban discursos de agradecimiento y el director les entregaba una carta de reconocimiento. ******* Every morning, local people who watch over the children safely on their way to school were invited to the school, and the sixth graders gave speeches of thanks and the principal presented them with a letter of appreciation. 2月28日(金)給食献立![]() ![]() タラは雪のちらつく冬が旬の魚です。 よく知られているタラの種類にはマダラとスケトウダラがあります。身は主にかまぼこの材料として、タラの卵は日本ではたらこと呼ばれ、スパゲッティや辛子明太子の材料として使われます。 本日のメニューにはたらフライとして出ました。衣はサクサクで身は柔らかく弾力がありました。 ごちそうさまでした。 Fried cod, Usukuzu soup, Komatsuna with sesame sauce Cad is a fish that is in season during the snowy winter. Well-known types of cod are Pacific cod and Alaska pollock. The meat is mainly used to make kamaboko, and cod roe, called tarako in Japan, is used to make spaghetti and spicy cod roe. Today's menu featured fried cod. The batter was crispy and the meat was soft and chewy. Thank you for the meal. |