
3年生 学年集会

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Collaboration between the student council and the art club in the art room after school. What on earth can be done?


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Today, there was a final selection for the Orchestral Percussion Solo Contest Osaka Sayama Tournament. One person from our school also participated and received a silver prize. I did my best.


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皆さん、いよいよ私立高校の受験の日がやってきましたね。 これまでの努力、頑張ってきた日々を思い出してください。たくさんの問題を解き、時には悩み、時には諦めそうになりながらも、ここまで歩んできたその努力は、決して無駄にはなりません。 大切なのは、「自分を信じること」」です。 緊張するのは当たり前。だけど、そのドキドキは皆さんが一生懸命に準備してきた証拠です。深呼吸をして、今までの自分に「大丈夫」と声をかけてあげてください。胸を張って、自分の力を信じて、いってらっしゃい! 皆さんの健闘を心から祈っています。

Everyone, the day of the private high school entrance examination has finally come. Please remember your efforts so far and the days you have worked hard. Even though I solve a lot of problems, sometimes I'm worried, sometimes I'm about to give up, but the efforts I've come this far will never be in vain. The important thing is to "believe in yourself". It's natural to be nervous. However, that excitement is proof that everyone has worked hard to prepare. Take a deep breath and say "It's okay" to yourself so far. Have a good time with your chest, believe in your own strength! I sincerely pray for everyone's good health.


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At the school year meeting on Friday, the 3rd graders received various warnings from the career guidance teacher on the day of the exam. In addition, there was a heartwarming story about a 3rd grader in Namba who helped people. The courage and sense of responsibility to act without hesitation in what you can do for those in need. It is very important for us to live in society. As a result, the principal expressed his gratitude and sent a cheer to the examinees.
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