新入生保護者説明会![]() ![]() We held a briefing session for parents of new students after school. There was an explanation of the school's policy and what to prepare before admission. 新入生保護者のみなさまへ![]() ![]() 【国公立・私立の中学校を受験された(される)方へ】進学予定調査のお願い 国公立・私立の中学校を受験され、すでに進学が決まっている方、また合否の結果待ちの方は、1月30日までに難波中学校までご連絡ください。お忙しいところ大変申し訳ございませんが、ご協力をお願いいたします。 電話: (06)6562-4477 教頭まで Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 29th, is the day for the New Student Parent Orientation and item sales. Item sales will be held in the first-floor multipurpose room during the following times: 15:00–16:00 and 16:45–17:30. The parent orientation will take place in the cafeteria at the back of the first floor from 16:00 to 16:45. 【For those taking entrance exams for public or private middle schools】 Request for Progress Confirmation If you have taken an entrance exam for a public or private middle school and have already decided on your enrollment, or if you are still waiting for your results, please contact Nanba Middle School by January 30th. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation. Phone: (06) 6562-4477 (Please ask for the vice principal.) 明天1月29日(星期三)是新生家长说明会和物品销售日。 物品销售将在一楼的多功能室进行,时间为 15:00–16:00 和 16:45–17:30。家长说明会将在一楼后面的食堂举行,时间为 16:00–16:45。 【关于报考国立或私立中学的学生】 关于入学意向调查的通知 报考国立或私立中学且已确定入学的学生,或仍在等待录取结果的学生,请于1月30日前联系难波中学。对此给您带来的不便我们深表歉意,感谢您的合作。 电话: (06) 6562-4477(请联系副校长) カウントダウン![]() ![]() There are only a few school days left until graduation. Tomorrow, the 3rd-year students will have another day of final exams. The first period will be a review session, the second period will be science, and the third period will be Japanese. ビフォー・アフター![]() ![]() Today is the final exam day for the 3rd-year students. The photos show the scenes during the test and after the bell signaling the end of the exam. For parent-teacher conferences, the 3rd-year students will go home after lunch. サッカー部
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