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It's art time for the first grade. I was making lampshades with clay.


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3年生の英語の授業。I wish + 仮定法 について学んでいました。

3rd grade English class. I was learning about I wish + assumptions.


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保護者の方へ 職場体験の様子を見に行きたいとのお問い合わせを頂いておりますが、各事業所のご迷惑にもなりますので、ご遠慮ください。

Today and tomorrow, 2nd graders will have a workplace experience. Please enjoy the experience that you can't feel on campus alone! Believe in your potential and learn as much as you can. Good luck!

Dear each office, thank you for taking care of me for 2 days.

Parents and guardians have received inquiries that they would like to go to see the state of the workplace experience, but it will also cause inconvenience to each office, so please refrain from doing so.


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図書室では、冬の特別貸出が始まっています。 ひとり5冊 まで借りられ、1月10日まで借りることができます。2学期中に、ぜひ借りにきてね!

Special winter lending has begun in the library. You can borrow up to 5 books per person until January 10. Please come and borrow it during the second semester!


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From the afternoon, it was time to take a career photo of the 3rd grade.
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