第78回卒業式![]() ![]() そして、卒業生の皆さん。皆さんの旅立ちを、私たちは誇りに思います。三年間の歩みの中で、仲間とともに笑い、悩み、支え合いながら、一歩一歩成長してきた皆さんの姿は、私たちの心に深く刻まれています。修学旅行での学び、体育大会での汗と歓声、人権文化祭・文化活動発表会での輝く姿——どの場面にも、皆さんの努力と情熱がありました。 皆さんはもう知っていますね。仲間と助け合うことの大切さを、挑戦することの楽しさを、そして努力が未来を拓くことを。今日、この学び舎を巣立つ皆さんが、自分らしく、しなやかに、そして力強く歩んでいくことを、心から願っています。どうか、胸を張って、それぞれの夢へと羽ばたいてください。いつの日か、皆さんの輝く未来の話を聞けることを、心から楽しみにしています。ご卒業おめでとうございます。 Today, our school’s 78th graduation ceremony was held in a solemn yet warm and emotional atmosphere. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed guests in attendance and to the parents who have lovingly watched over and supported their children’s growth. Your unwavering support and encouragement have made this joyous day possible. To all the graduates, we are incredibly proud of your journey. Over the past three years, you have laughed, struggled, and supported one another, growing step by step. The knowledge gained on school trips, the sweat and cheers of the sports festival, and the shining moments at the Human Rights and Cultural Activities Festival—each of these experiences is a testament to your hard work and passion. You have already learned the importance of helping one another, the joy of taking on challenges, and the fact that perseverance opens doors to the future. As you leave this school today, we sincerely hope that you will walk forward with confidence, flexibility, and strength. Hold your heads high and soar toward your dreams. We eagerly look forward to the day when we can hear about your bright and successful futures. Congratulations on your graduation! 今天,我校隆重而温馨地举行了第78届毕业典礼。衷心感谢莅临现场的各位嘉宾,以及一直以来温暖守护、支持孩子成长的家长们。正是因为您们始终如一的支持与鼓励,才有了今天这充满喜悦的一天。 亲爱的毕业生们,我们为你们的启程感到无比自豪。在这三年的旅程中,你们与伙伴们一同欢笑、困惑、相互扶持,一步步成长。无论是修学旅行中的学习,体育大会上的汗水与呐喊,还是人权文化祭及文化活动发表会上的闪耀身影——每一个瞬间,都凝聚着你们的努力与热情。 你们已经懂得了彼此帮助的重要性,挑战的乐趣,以及努力能够开创未来的道理。今天,踏出这所校园的你们,希望能够保持自信、灵活应对,并坚定地迈向未来。 请挺起胸膛,勇敢追逐各自的梦想。我们真心期待着未来某一天,能够听到你们精彩人生的故事。祝贺你们顺利毕业! 3年生 最後の学活
学年集会を行い、各クラスで1年間を振り返りました。 ![]() ![]() 前日予行![]() ![]() Today, with the graduation ceremony coming up tomorrow, the third-year students and representatives of the current students gathered together for a final run-through. They practiced with dignity, checking the flow of the ceremony. In the gymnasium, there was a quiet tension, as well as a special atmosphere that evoked memories from the past three years and the bonds between classmates. Tomorrow's actual graduation ceremony will surely be even more heartfelt. 明日は卒業式![]() ![]() Tomorrow is finally the graduation ceremony. Please take a good rest today for tomorrow. Graduates go to school between 9:15 and 9:30. The opening ceremony starts at 10 o'clock. 修学旅行の説明![]() ![]() For 2nd graders, we explained the school trip to the new school year. |