1.17![]() ![]() 震災の後、多くの人が助け合いながら困難を乗り越えました。近所の人たちや見知らぬ人同士が支え合い、助け合う姿がたくさんありました。自分一人ではできないことも、みんなで力を合わせれば乗り越えられる。それを忘れず、日常生活の中でも周りの人に優しく接し、困っている人を助けることができる人になってほしいと思います。 震災で失われた命に思いを馳せるとともに、私たちにできることを考え、行動に移すことが、未来の防災にとってとても重要です。 皆さん一人ひとりが、命の大切さ、そして日常の中での「備え」や「助け合い」の意識を忘れずに過ごしていきましょう。 日々、今日一日を無事に迎えられたことに感謝しながら、これからの学校生活も一緒に頑張っていきましょう。 January 17th. This day is the day when the "Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake" occurred, which we should not forget for Japan. On this day in 1995, at 5:46 a.m., a major earthquake occurred mainly in Hyogo Prefecture, resulting in the loss of many precious lives, forcing many people to live a difficult life. It has been 30 years since the earthquake. You don't know when and where disasters will happen. What we can do is to raise awareness of disaster prevention on a daily basis and be prepared to act without panic in an emergency. In order to protect yourself and your family, it is important to think about and discuss what to do. After the earthquake, many people overcame difficulties while helping each other. There were many sights of neighbors and strangers supporting and helping each other. Even things that you can't do alone can be overcome if we all work together. I hope you don't forget that, treat people around you kindly in your daily life, and become a person who can help people in need. It is very important for future disaster prevention to think about the lives lost in the earthquake, think about what we can do, and put it into action. Let's spend time without forgetting the importance of life and the awareness of "preparation" and "helping each other" in daily life. Let's be grateful that we were able to welcome today safely every day, and let's do our best in school life together from now on. (写真提供: 神戸市) みんなで知ろう!![]() ![]() In a first-year class. " I was having fun learning using "Children's Rights in the World". 百人一首![]() ![]() A frame of a 2nd grader. It was exciting. 文化委員会絵本読み聞かせ![]() ![]() ワクワクする絵本でみんなが笑顔になれました! I gave a reading by the Cultural Committee in the library! Many students and teachers came to see us, and it was a very lively and good atmosphere. Everyone smiled with an exciting picture book! 地域防災訓練に参加しましょう!![]() ![]() 令和6年度浪速区地域防災訓練に参加しましょう! / 地域防災訓練ポスター We have posted this notice at the request of the Naniwa Ward Office's Citizen Collaboration Division. For more details, please visit the Naniwa Ward Office's website. Join the Naniwa Ward Community Disaster Preparedness Drill for FY2024! / Community Disaster Preparedness Drill Poster 应浪速区政府市民协同科的要求进行通知发布。详情请参阅浪速区政府官网。 参加2024年度浪速区社区防灾训练! / 社区防灾训练海报 |