公立一般選抜![]() ![]() (イラスト……AIにより生成) I wonder how the 3rd graders who are about to take the exam today are doing now. Is everyone challenging for the future while encouraging themselves in their hearts, "Calm down, one by one for sure..." while facing the answer paper with a serious expression? For the students there, it's time to take an important step in life - that moment is going on right now. Good luck! (Illustration......Generated by AI) カウントダウン3![]() ![]() 【震災学習】総合的読解力育成カリキュラム
教材を活用しながら、災害発生といういざという時に何ができるのか考える時間となりました。 また、ちょうど14:46が学習の時間であったことから、合わせて14年前、東日本大震災で被災された皆様へ黙とうし、祈りを捧げました。 被災されたすべての方のご冥福を心よりお祈りいたします。 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() スタディサプリ通信 中学校おすすめ講座のご案内
スタディサプリ 中学校おすすめ講座のご案内
進級、進学に向けていくつかの講座をピックアップしてご紹介しています。既習範囲の復習や苦手克服として、自主学習でも活用できます。 現1年・2年生は次年度も引き続き利用できます。 現3年生も、現在のIDとパスワードを使用して、おうちの端末で令和7年4月末まで利用できます。 ログインはこちらから We have selected and introduced several courses to help you prepare for promotion to the next grade or further education. These courses can be used for reviewing previously learned material or overcoming weaknesses, and they are also useful for self-study. Current 1st and 2nd-year students can continue to use them next year. Current 3rd-year students can also use them on their home devices with their current ID and password until the end of April in Reiwa 7 (2025). Log in here. 東日本大震災から学ぶ 〜備えと支え合い〜
新しい町が作られ、多くの人が前を向いて歩んでいますが、家族を失った悲しみや、故郷を離れざるを得なかった苦しみを抱えた人々がいます。また、震災を直接経験していない私たちも、決して「過去の出来事」として忘れてはいけません。 日本は地震大国です。いつ、どこで大きな地震が起こるか分かりません。学校でも防災訓練を行っていますが、本当に災害が起きたとき、冷静に行動できるかどうかは、日頃の意識にかかっています。「もし今、大地震が起こったら?」と常に考え、冷静に行動できるようにしておくことが大切です。 また、私たちにできることは何でしょうか?例えば、被災地のことを知ること、募金活動に参加すること、防災意識を周りに伝えること。「自分には関係ない」と思わずに、「自分にできることは何か」を考えること。 私たちは、今こうして生きていることの大切さを忘れてはなりません。そして、防災の意識を持ち、震災で亡くなられた方々に思いを馳せながら、皆で心を込めて黙祷を捧げましょう。 Fourteen years ago, on March 11, 2011, Japan was struck by an unprecedented disaster. A massive earthquake, followed by a devastating tsunami, hit the Tohoku region, claiming many precious lives. The tsunami, far exceeding expectations, swallowed entire towns, sweeping away countless people before they had a chance to escape. Many lost their beloved family members and friends, while others had their entire lives taken from them. The images and footage from that time show towns reduced to rubble, leaving an unforgettable mark on our memories. However, this earthquake is not merely a "past event"—it remains a deep sorrow in the hearts of many even today. New towns have been built, and many people are moving forward, but there are still those who continue to suffer from the loss of their families or the pain of being forced to leave their hometowns. Even those of us who did not directly experience the disaster must never forget it as just something of the past. Japan is a country prone to earthquakes. We never know when or where a major earthquake might strike. While schools conduct disaster drills, our ability to respond calmly in a real disaster depends on our daily awareness. It is crucial to always ask ourselves, “What if a major earthquake struck right now?” and be prepared to act calmly. So, what can we do? For example, we can learn about the affected areas, participate in donation activities, and raise awareness of disaster preparedness among those around us. Instead of thinking, “This has nothing to do with me,” we should ask ourselves, “What can I do?” We must never forget the value of being alive today. Let us keep disaster preparedness in mind and, as we remember those who lost their lives in the earthquake, offer a moment of silent prayer together. |