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Beef stew, cauliflower and corn salad, curry fish
Today's school lunch was a purely Western menu of beef stew, cauliflower and corn salad, and curry fish. The beef stew had tender meat and a rich sauce, the cauliflower and corn salad was sour and crunchy, and the curry fish had a curry flavor and the umami of the small fish that you could really taste the more you chewed it.
Western food has a different taste from Japanese food, which is interesting.
Thank you for the meal.


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Oyakodon, red and white pickles, matcha soybeans

According to Wikipedia, oyakodon is a type of rice bowl dish in which chicken simmered in sauce is bound with beaten egg and placed on top of rice. The name "oyako" comes from the use of chicken meat and egg. It is often simmered with green onions and onions, and is often garnished with mitsuba, green peas, and shredded seaweed for color. The origin of oyakodon is unknown, and the oldest documented document that can be confirmed is from 1884 (Meiji 17), when the names "oyako jo-don," "oyako nami-don," and "oyako chu-don" were seen in a newspaper advertisement placed by "Edo Ko" in Motomachi, Kobe.

Today's menu featured oyakodon. The chicken was tender, the egg fluffy, and the dashi broth was very tasty.


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Sagoshi with soy sauce, miso soup, cabbage with red shiso dressing

Cabbage is a perennial plant of the Brassicaceae family. It is widely used as a vegetable and is treated as an annual plant for cultivation.
It is said to be native to the cliffs on the coasts of Western Europe, and was used medicinally in Europe during the time of the ancient Greeks, and was cultivated as a vegetable as a health food in the 4th century BC. It is now cultivated all over the world, including Japan. It is said that it was first cultivated as a vegetable in Japan in 1871. (From Wikipedia)

Today, it was served as cabbage with red shiso dressing. It was a dish with crispy cabbage and the aroma of red shiso.


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Curried meatballs and vegetables, sauteed tuna and komatsuna, pineapple (canned)

Pineapple or pineapple is a perennial plant of the Bromeliaceae family native to tropical America, or its swollen fruit. It is sometimes simply called pine, and its Chinese name is 菠蘿 or 帆梨.

According to Wikipedia, pineapple is a perennial plant, and after the fruit is harvested, it sprouts again from the rhizome, and as it grows, it bears fruit at the tip. However, since the fruit gets smaller with each harvest, it seems that it is rare to use a plant for more than three years.

Today's school lunch included canned pineapple. It had a refreshing sweetness and sourness, and was very delicious.

Thank you for the meal.


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Grilled chicken with salted koji, kasu soup, and kurikinton

Sake lees are the white solids that remain after the mash of sake and other products is pressed.

When sake rice is brewed, about 25% of the sake lees are extracted by weight, and according to the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan, they are 51% water, 23% carbohydrates, 13% protein, lipids, and ash. They are also rich in nutrients such as peptides, amino acids, vitamins, and yeast, so their value as a food that is expected to have health benefits is being reevaluated. However, depending on the condition of the sake lees, there are cases where about 8% of the alcohol content remains, so care should be taken not to eat too much. (From Wikipedia)

Sake lees are used in today's menu, kasu soup. The subtle sweetness of the sake lees is combined with the dashi and miso, giving the dashi a deep richness.
文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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