
【入学される ほごしゃの かたへ】確認のお願い

難波中学校では、らいねんの じゅぎょうの じゅんびのため、みなさんの しんがくけいかくを しりたいと おもっています。

もし、ほかの 国公立(こっこうりつ)や 私立(しりつ)の 中学校を うけて、難波中学校に しんがくしない けっていを した ときは、1月30日までに おしえてください。

また、ほかの 中学校の ごうかく(うかるか どうか) が まだ わからない ばあいも、1月30日までに そのことを おしえてください。

おいそがしい ところ、たいへん もうしわけありませんが、ごきょうりょくを おねがいします。

難波中学校のでんわ: (06) 6562 - 4477 教頭(きょうとう) まで おでんわ ください。


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Today was the opening ceremony of the 3rd semester. I am very happy to see you all again at school.
The third semester is short, but each day is very precious. " I would like you to cherish the learning, events, and time with friends and teachers in front of you with the feeling that you will do your best because there is little left.
In addition, it is also the season when the cold is severe and it is easy to get sick. First of all, health comes first. Wash your hands and gargle thoroughly, and live with an awareness of your physical condition. And when someone is in trouble, don't forget to have the kindness to reach out.
I hope that each of you will be able to support those around you with a warm heart.


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Happy New Year.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your understanding and cooperation in our school's educational activities.
Last year, everyone in the community and parents warmly watched over the growth of their children and supported them in various ways. Thanks to you, students have gained a lot of experience through learning, club activities, and participation in local events, and have grown greatly both physically and mentally. We will continue to strive to become a school where each student can shine.
This year, we would like to support the healthy growth of children in cooperation with everyone. I look forward to working with you again this year, and I sincerely hope that it will be a bright and fruitful year for everyone.


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In the badminton club, today is the last practice of the year. I cleaned the gymnasium that I use on a daily basis. In addition, he also helped the teacher.
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