1年生体育![]() ![]() Girls challenge the jumping box! 3年生 6時間目![]() ![]() I practiced interviews and self-study. Everyone was challenging the interview with a sense of tension. カウントダウン37から26![]() ![]() バドミントン部![]() ![]() 1年生女子シングルスの部では第3位に輝き表彰していただきました。 2年生もベスト8に入ったりと健闘しました。 自分たちのよさや課題が見つかり、次につながるよい経験となりました。 There was a badminton block tournament on 2/1 (Saturday). It was the first individual match for 1st graders, and it was the first time in a long time for 2nd graders! In the first-year women's singles division, she was awarded the 3rd place. The 2nd graders also did well by entering the top 8. It was a good experience to find our own good and challenges, and to lead to the next one. 文化委員会 読み聞かせ![]() ![]() とても聴きやすい声で読んでくれました。 そして、文化委員会企画「まぼろしのスタンプを集めよう」が今日から開催しています! 久しぶりに来てくれる子もたくさんいて、賑わっていました。 There was a reading of "Please put it down" by the first-year cultural committee. Everyone was riveted by the thrilling content. He read it in a very easy-to-listen voice. And the Cultural Committee project "Let's collect daboroshi stamps" will be held from today! There were many children who came after a long time, and it was crowded. |