
3/3 見守り隊 感謝の会

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Todas as manhãs, os moradores locais que cuidam das crianças em segurança no caminho para a escola eram convidados para a escola, e os alunos do sexto ano faziam discursos de agradecimento e o diretor os presenteava com uma carta de agradecimento.

Todas las mañanas, la gente local que vela por que los niños vayan seguros a la escuela era invitada a la escuela, y los alumnos de sexto grado daban discursos de agradecimiento y el director les entregaba una carta de reconocimiento.

Every morning, local people who watch over the children safely on their way to school were invited to the school, and the sixth graders gave speeches of thanks and the principal presented them with a letter of appreciation.


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タラは雪のちらつく冬が旬の魚です。 よく知られているタラの種類にはマダラとスケトウダラがあります。身は主にかまぼこの材料として、タラの卵は日本ではたらこと呼ばれ、スパゲッティや辛子明太子の材料として使われます。


Fried cod, Usukuzu soup, Komatsuna with sesame sauce

Cad is a fish that is in season during the snowy winter. Well-known types of cod are Pacific cod and Alaska pollock. The meat is mainly used to make kamaboko, and cod roe, called tarako in Japan, is used to make spaghetti and spicy cod roe.

Today's menu featured fried cod. The batter was crispy and the meat was soft and chewy.
Thank you for the meal.


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Chicken and spinach stew, cabbage salad, dekopon

Dekopon is a unique Japanese variety that was created by crossing an orange variety called Ponkan with an orange variety called Kiyomi. Among the varieties called Shiranui, only the highest quality ones that meet the national standard are recognized as dekopon. They are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, and are effective in preventing colds and reducing fatigue.

Today's menu featured dekopon. It was very juicy, with the sour and sweet taste unique to oranges.

2/27 避難訓練(不審者)

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Nós conduzimos um exercício de evacuação sob a suposição de que uma pessoa suspeita havia entrado na escola. Um policial da Delegacia de Polícia de Nishiyodogawa também veio e deu uma palestra. Foi uma lição sobre como se proteger do perigo.

Realizamos un simulacro de evacuación bajo la premisa de que una persona sospechosa había entrado en la escuela. Un policía de la comisaría de Nishiyodogawa también vino y dio una charla. Fue una lección sobre cómo protegerse del peligro.

Nagsagawa kami ng evacuation drill sa pag-aakalang may isang kahina-hinalang tao ang pumasok sa paaralan. Dumating din ang isang pulis mula sa Nishiyodogawa Police Station at nagbigay ng talumpati. Ito ay isang aral kung paano protektahan ang iyong sarili mula sa panganib.

Chúng tôi đã tiến hành diễn tập sơ tán với giả định rằng có người khả nghi đã vào trường. Một cảnh sát từ Đồn cảnh sát Nishiyodogawa cũng đến và thuyết trình. Đó là bài học về cách tự bảo vệ mình khỏi nguy hiểm.
We conducted an evacuation drill under the assumption that a suspicious person had entered the school. A police officer from Nishiyodogawa Police Station also came and gave a talk. It was a lesson on how to protect yourself from danger.

重要 2月26日(水)給食献立

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Chicken and burdock rice, miso soup, grilled lotus root

Burdock is a type of vegetable that is eaten as a root vegetable. It is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin B group, potassium, and iron, and is considered to be good for your health. There is also a traditional Naniwa vegetable called Takayama burdock that has been cultivated in the Takayama area of ​​Toyono-cho, Osaka since the Edo period.

Today's menu, chicken and burdock rice, uses burdock. The spiciness of ginger and the deep flavor of the broth made from kelp and bonito flakes went well with the minced chicken.
Thank you for the meal.
文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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3/31 春季休業





